Solution Manual for Modern Principles: Microeconomics, 4th Edition, Tyler Cowen, Alex Tabarrok
Table of Contents
1. The Big Ideas
2. The Power of Trade and Comparative Advantage
Part 1: Supply and Demand
3. Supply and Demand
4. Equilibrium: How Supply and Demand Determine Prices
5. Elasticity and Its Applications
Appendix: Other Types of Elasticities
6. Taxes and Subsidies
Part 2: The Price System
7. The Price System: Signals, Speculation, and Prediction
8. Price Ceilings and Floors
9. International Trade
10. Externalities: When the Price Is Not Right
Part 3: Firms and Factor Markets
11. Costs and Profit Maximization Under Competition
Appendix: Using Excel to Graph Cost Curves
12. Competition and the Invisible Hand
13. Monopoly
14. Price Discrimination and Pricing Strategy
Appendix: Solving PRice Discrimination Problems with Excel (Advanced Section)
15. Oligopoly and Game Theory
Appendix: Nash Equilibrium
16. Competing for Monopoly: The Economics of Network Goods
17. Monopolistic Competition and Advertising
18. Labor Markets
Part 4: Government
19. Public Goods and the Tragedy of the Commons
Appendix: The Tragedy of the Commons: How Fast?
20. Political Economy and Public Choice
21. Economics, Ethics, and Public Policy
Part 5: Decision Making for Businesses, Investors, and Consumers
22. Managing Incentives
23. Stock Markets and Personal Finance
24. Asymmetric Information: Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection
25. Consumer Choice
Appendix A: Reading Graphs and Making Graphs
Appendix B: Solutions to Check Yourself Questions.
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